Do you participate in insurance plans?
I do not participate in insurance plans. By not accepting health insurance, I am able to put the patient first. I am not obligated to an insurance company or their demands. Insurance companies can dictate care by limiting session length and/or the number of sessions allowed for the patient. I tailor each appointment to your specific needs, and with the additional time for each session I am able to provide accelerated results. I will provide Insurance Reimbursement Forms for you to submit.
What can I expect after a whole body chiropractic session?
It is normal to experience some soreness a day or two after a whole body chiropractic session. When you receive a chiropractic adjustment, your muscles and bones are moved and stimulated. This results in the body releasing toxins—the same thing happens after a massage. To flush these toxins from the body, you want to drink plenty of water following your adjustment. Please be kind to yourself, and whenever possible please relax to give your body time to heal. An epsom salt bath can also work wonders for soreness.